Business Type






Thinking back at the earlier times when Freerider first started the business, we were so motivated and ambitious. Undeniably also a little hesitant and curious. Twenty years ago, when there was a huge entrepreneurial and start-up bubble in Taiwan, anyone with a little cash wanted to become their own boss. However, how many actually succeeded? For first-timers like us, due to budget concerns, we could only choose areas with lower rents. We established our business and manufacturing plant in Ren Wu Village, Kaohsiung. Ren Wu Village was the birthplace of our FreeRider brand. Right in the beginning, we knew that our target market would be the UK as it was a mature and developed market. To penetrate the UK market, Freerider travelled all over UK to promote our product. Thinking back, at that time, we had a never-give-up attitude and at last success came our way. FreeRider was becoming a household name.

Product Category

Assistive device